I'm back at the place of reality.
It's great to see my family, you don't realise how much they actually mean to you when you until you haven't seen them for a while.
I also love seeing the friends back here.
Ben, the littlest brother seems especially happy to see me :D which i am chuffed to its about, we're going to do something this weekend, but we're not sure what yet.. could be a cinema trip or just a PS3 tournament, either way it will be time well spent :
Ok so i have literally had to bribe my brother, physically drag him to his room and bribe him again with another chocolate bar offering to come with me to the supermarket... that feeling of love has gone.
Moving on, i plan on entering Vogues young writers thingy! As you can see from this small paragraph chockablock of grammatical and spelling errors i am clearly a very strong candidate.
Here are a couple of paintings i have finished!
I'll try and take a better picture of them some other time but at the moment my camera is at my boyfriends because i was infact showing off my painting too him via my camera after uploading them on here and now i havnt seen my camera for nearly a month dammit!
I took no photos of london because of this!!
Today me and the man have been invited to a crazy swiss ladies birthday dinner! She goes by the name of Lydia Dietrich and she is amazing and you can't turn down her invitation to a dinner :) infact you can't turn down an offer to come round their house!!
Here is a picture of something else because i have little to say:
This is in Amsterdam, i walked past it every day i lived in my favourite youth hostel (flying pig).
i loved this tree, it always made me smile, it was sucha beautiful shape and this day was particularly harsh in coldness and brightness: a perfect day to take out the camera.
long live the Dam, the place where things make sense, if only momentarily.
Could someone freeze time for me, my mind is so skatty and it's decision time. Student loan deadlines are coming forward... errrrrrrrrrr :(
lots of love to my family, they are wonderful and supportive and deserved a much more helpful and capable daughter/sister than this one.