Wednesday, 31 March 2010


I'm back at the place of reality.
It's great to see my family, you don't realise how much they actually mean to you when you until you haven't seen them for a while.
I also love seeing the friends back here.
Ben, the littlest brother seems especially happy to see me :D which i am chuffed to its about, we're going to do something this weekend, but we're not sure what yet.. could be a cinema trip or just a PS3 tournament, either way it will be time well spent :
Ok so i have literally had to bribe my brother, physically drag him to his room and bribe him again with another chocolate bar offering to come with me to the supermarket... that feeling of love has gone.
Moving on, i plan on entering Vogues young writers thingy! As you can see from this small paragraph chockablock of grammatical and spelling errors i am clearly a very strong candidate.
Here are a couple of paintings i have finished!

I'll try and take a better picture of them some other time but at the moment my camera is at my boyfriends because i was infact showing off my painting too him via my camera after uploading them on here and now i havnt seen my camera for nearly a month dammit!

I took no photos of london because of this!!
Today me and the man have been invited to a crazy swiss ladies birthday dinner! She goes by the name of Lydia Dietrich and she is amazing and you can't turn down her invitation to a dinner :) infact you can't turn down an offer to come round their house!!

Here is a picture of something else because i have little to say:

This is in Amsterdam, i walked past it every day i lived in my favourite youth hostel (flying pig).
i loved this tree, it always made me smile, it was sucha beautiful shape and this day was particularly harsh in coldness and brightness: a perfect day to take out the camera.
long live the Dam, the place where things make sense, if only momentarily.
Could someone freeze time for me, my mind is so skatty and it's decision time. Student loan deadlines are coming forward... errrrrrrrrrr :(
lots of love to my family, they are wonderful and supportive and deserved a much more helpful and capable daughter/sister than this one.

Friday, 26 March 2010


I'm in Halesowen, a nice town on the outskirts of Birmingham. I didn't come here to do anything in particular but visit Ade and Becky and just have a rest, sort my head out, finish a sketch off in my sketchbook and decide once and for all what i want to do.

The idea of doing art in London is an extremely attractive option, in fact I'll be completely honest i have fallen in love with London. It's a complete trap... it's another place that is not your friend it only seeks to entrap you.
But it is amazing.
I met some extremely sound people, they had their heads screwed on the right way.
After the work experience i met up with my man and we went out to a party and then crashed at Laurens. We were all pretty destroyed and had been on red wine so had horrible black lines on our lips. Next day was recovery day and saw some people at the market in Spitafields who had been at the party, we gawped at some fur protestors for a bit and moved on.
After that we mainly stayed at a guy called Rhucys place.
We had a full englsih every day! It was mint!!
And Charlie is amazing at the drums with his long dreads all happily sitting on his head, he also had a beautiful lady called Gabriella who's Italian, she was soo lovely ^^
Speaking of Italians i met two others: Danielle and Jessica who are fabulous!! They were dressed like punks and had mint attitudes and just had a right good giggle with them for ages.
We swapped numbers and everything and now we have facebooks ^^ so i have to go see them again because they literally made my night at that party, they are also both very pretty of course :D ha
Thing is though, mums just gone and paid for some really expensive accomadation at Newcastle for my placement at Northumbria and if only I'd been offered it now i would have said no, but no that I've said ok just send it off i'm regretting it because that is going to be a big waste of money if i have the guts to say ... actually london is my place.
also totally thinking of not going to norway and going to london instead....
I'm glad i went to London but in a way it's totally fudged it up :)
I was meant to meet Luc today in Brummy but he hasnt been texting back so I'm just giong to have to give that a miss and see him some other time, he is so unreliable!!! bless him :(
ANyway enough blabble.
Hope all is well.
ADiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiios xxxxxx

Monday, 15 March 2010

Lots of little towns put together to make one big city.

London is lovely. I could definitly imagine myself living here for some time.

My first day consisted of meeting the people who have taken me in: Nick and Mel.
They took me to the park! And i saw a big herd of deer and some Yaks!!
It was such a lovely big mass of grass and mud.. though it meant that my newly cleaned walking boots were very quickly back to their original state ready for my first day of work.
Met Mels mum who was even more lovely than them and who has now got me and Nick tickits to see Billy Elliot tomorrow night for free :D

The work experience is fun, so far I've visited the main office of warehouse, done a few pages of a sketch book and made a top but apparently it'll get much busier :( i enjoyed going back into my world with a project including scissors, paper and glue and my sewing skills aren't that great.

Kind of forgot to tell my mum i got to London Ok... found out today that she'd texted Ryan and asked if he'd heard anything because she was a little worried, bless.
Text her this morning though, got one text back ... nothing else.

Very tired, not used to working.
I'm going to dress more like me tomorrow instead of my fancy skirt and stuff because it's much more casual than an actual office place, it's more a creative place where you need to be able to relax into creative mode.

Tired, going to melt my brain with TV, bye! x

Saturday, 13 March 2010


I had my wart on my thumb and veruccas blasted with uber cold stuff out of a mini gun thing and a blood blister came under my thumb so i burst it but then one grew back again so i like split it and LOADS of blood came out and i lifted the flap of skin and it was all like... reddy raw liquidy grossness, thought you'd like to know! My foot seems on the way to recovery in a less attention seeking way. Though i do now get to wear bright yellow stickers with blue and orange mice on and before that i had dinosaurs, excitement!!

Listen to "Woman (MSTRKRFT remix)" - Wolfmother. It does not ruin the original and i love it.

Off to London to do some work experience in the fashion industry which is very exciting, from what i gathered it's prints and designs on the clothes and this particular business goes to LOADS like ... Warehouse, Miss Selfridges... (this is what dad told me so he's probably wrong in which shops).

I do love London, you get to own an Oyster card HA OYSTER: my boyfried and his mates describe the boring people of today who watch too much Tv and have melted brains Oysters, FACT.

The boyfriend is meeting me in London too after my week of work exp. and we're going to spend 4 days in London and one in Birmingham :D fun times.

I'm really scared about work experience... i don't dress properly and when i dress smart i look like ... an oyster :(

Random news: Going to see Primal Scream perform their album Screamadelica in November in London with the man of mine and co.! Score!!!! :D

Martina had a dat e oday and it went well.

Oh i did a shift at Browns today as a one off becaus ei happened to be in the area and the usual Saturday girl was on a french exchange and it was SO nice seeing all the regulars again ^^ Especially Padget, Trevor and Mr Harpforth who are my total favourites.

Mrs Padget always bonds with me over history and sympathising with the kings and queens from Elizabeth I to Charles II, it's really quick bonding though because there's always a queue so i have to try and memorise and plan out a decent argument whilsst trying to count to fifty with random numbers adding together because some brat child won't just pick all the 5p sweets.

Trevor always has these little wisps of wisdom along with a life story and some dodgy very politically incorrect views but i like it! He says it how it is. Mr Harpforth is just nice and never wins on the lottery (until today! £10!!!) he also gets 100g of mint imperials and his D+S.

Oh and theres Jack but he's just a huge gossip who tells me off for not knowing anything, i also must admit i love my boss, she's funny, down to earth and also a complete gossip.

Anyway I need sleep. Night x
p.s. Here's a picture:

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

St Andrews in the Kingdom of Fife!

It is ridiculously pretty here.

They have a pier, they have a half fallen down cathedral and a castle.
The bus down here took about ten hours but the view was amazing, it was such a beautiful day.
The people here are lovely, Jonny has some lovely friends, i like Patrick because he talked about pinnocio (who i cant spell) at lunch and then there's sexy steve and other such amazing characters.

I managed to get a free lunch by wearing a St Andrews hoody and standing in the queue with the rest of them MWAHAHA i didnt dare do it again for dinner but tbh i'm really not that hungry because i just scoffed my foods worth at lunchtime :D

Not going out drinking tonight but we went out last night and that was buzzing. It was very quiet but we all got decently intoxicated and carried the night off ourselves aswell as indulging in a pizza after from a place called EMPIRE.

I have loads of things i want to draw and i have written a to do list before i leave.
Jonny walked me around the town and I've seen this apparently really famous golf course.
If you see lube give her a massive hug because i miss and love her loads :D
It's Ryans birthday on Sunday! Panicking over gifts and the like!!
Also I made Jonny some cupcakes as a thank you for letting me stay at yours and they are totally what I'm scoffing whenever i feel the need to buy some food.
But the icing on top of them is a bit too buttery because i forgot to check if it was ready and just judged by the colour and thickness.... oh well!! still yummy enough for meee :D

Ok i am very tired and need to stop emptying this mind of babble.

Scotland is lovely, i want to go back and have more time in Edinburgh sometime, it's on my mental "to-do" list. It has an even bigger castle!
I have missed my green teas that i had all the time in Amsterdam :( Switzerland tea was wierd and i havnt got access to a kettle yet here or at least i will soon apparently according to JOnny. RIGHT I am leaving this laptop as it is Jonnys and should only be used to forward his academic achievements!!!! x