Friday, 30 December 2011

Rounding up

Pipilotti Rist was an amazing exhibition at the art gallery, all I can really show you are the pants on washing lines all around the building. Inside was a giant, beautiful chandelier of them as well as an abundance of interesting and interactive ways of showing video art.
This here is Trigger of Only Fools and Horses, he read us poetry be people such as William Blake in the UBS Bank of Ideas in London with the Occupy movement.

And now here are a few pictures of the development of a few of my pieces. Making slow progress, need to pick my feet up.

And my grubby bed, it has now been replaced by a clean cover and will be washed upon my return to it.

A beautiful year, mainly in Foundation, but a good start to life in the city too. I haven't quite gotten used too it yet but I'm going to be working hard when I get back, have an exhibition to prepare for! That should help me get more into the swing of things again :) xxx

Thursday, 29 December 2011

We count.

It doesn't matter, only you do.
Keep buying into this
Easily bought ideal reality
And you'll have no sanctuary
When the world burns
At your feat.

Monday, 12 December 2011

I doodle on my bed.

Just can't help myself. Big paper's expensive!

Monday, 7 November 2011

The beginning

So there are a couple of paintings I've started. The first was about seeing things how others see it, allowing yourself to connect as well as maintaining your own views and keeping yourself. This one was originally going t be about imbalance, but we'll see where it goes. x

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Some work so far

SO drained today, really enjoying it though. I am readching a dead end with the joined faces, it's mainly about collective inspiration, joining together, seeing the world through your own eyes but understanding the view others may take and how they feel. It's about connecting, to then bring a new culture, getting away from the selfishness of today, getting away from the "more more more" culture of today. Instead it's about more people, more input, more understanding, Less exploiting, less attachment to our things, more attachment too each other. This is a babble, it;s not fully thought through but you get the general idea. LOve xxxx

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Censorship in the UK!

We should know about this!

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Italy with the family on bikes.

I have just been to Italy on a biking tour around the region called Tuscany. Loads of amazing sculptures, their local stone is Alabasta which is like a soft rock, it felt very soft to the touch in the sense of texture and density. They made a scale model of the tower of Pisa out of it, which was beautiful.
Favourite part was having swallows nest inside the restaurant of one of the hotels as well as another nest in the bike shed. They left the window open allowing the parents to get to and from the nest as they pleased to feed their chicks, which they did very often!
Bum hurt, but not too badly, I fell off my bike, got burnt, have a really uneven tan, left an awesome looking rock in the hotel room that I was going to add to my interesting rock collection. Food was delicious and everyone there was so lovely. This is a ramble, just a sort of thought putter downer. Nothing too interesting it was just a really lovely, relaxed, well fed, well exercised and well rested holiday :) xxx

Wednesday, 29 June 2011


A beautiful place with beautiful people :)
Artwork everywhere, determination running high on defeating the mud.
Though you can feel the vibe gradually turning more aggressive as that becomes more acceptable and widespread in the modern day. Still... beautiful skies kissed our cheeks many a time at this place, good food hit my belly and many a good song did flutter the eardrums and create a jumble of body moves we call dancing.
Lovely jubbly.

Friday, 10 June 2011


Foundation course is finished. So here is what I've been getting up to.
A really lovely walk up Roseberry Topping with Bono and Jo before Bono goes off to Turkey, where loads of Serbs are fleeing for refuge... mint.

My shoe! Proof I was there too!
Us getting blasted by the wind sitting on the edge, it was lovely.
This was Ella's little village
And this was Eleanor's crater