My hands are stained
Seasons are changing, when the sky shows its face behind the cloud we are treated to its sunsets in which no camera can fully capture and nothing can ever replicate the feeling of witnessing natural beauty within the veil held above our heads. The moon has been beaming for the past few nights too, its now been quite heavily encorporated into my artwork and new painting which I'm still drawing compositions and ideas for.

Mainly being enchanted by mother nature and how within the Ancient Greeks nature and creator was the Goddess Gaia, a default mother. She was usually portrayed as pregnant, constantly pregnant with creativity, constantly vulnerable, beautiful, mysterious and giving.
This is a photoshop peice still in process currently called Moonbelly Morpheus (why not). 

And i tried my hand at mud modelling with Martina, attempt number one, going to give her arms and a general edit tomorrow.

I also tried to portray my idea of natures constant state of creative pregnancy by making my ivy plant pregnant but it ended up looking like a fancy caterpillar so there will be a more calculated attempt two in this coming week.

And this was the product of me being very ill and unable to stand up for very long so stayed in bed with tinfoil, there are two others of which one I used in moonbelly.
Nicola Hicks is a fantastic drawer and sculptor, reading up about her now and I'm extremely happy I've come across her, hugely inspirational and has made me promise myself to give more time to drawing, as thats what I love doing and what introduced me into the world of art in the first place.

:) xx