Monday, 23 May 2011

Some things I got upto

Too tired to explain, but these are some images from my ten week project on Paths.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


This was the first attempt at abstract, going to paint over it when I've finished the course. My favourite installation

The first big black and white drawing

An installation I enjoyed doing

My first finished painting at college

Just putting them here so i don't lose them really :)
The End.

Friday, 13 May 2011


As soon as there was nothing, there was something.
As soon as there was light, there was dark.
As soon as there was man there was woman.
We talk of balance.
Then we talk of the single one event of creation.
The creation was always to be, for
As soon as there was nothing, there had to be something.
Something born from nothing
Light born from within dark
Man born from a woman
The man born from the bond of man and woman
The coalition of light and dark
Bringing forth something from nothing.