I liked 2009, I have however changed dramatically from how i was at the beginning of the year to how i am now.
I think I know myself better, I'm much more spiritual and know what i like.
Today is New Years eve, tomorrow will be New Years Day... it's gone so quickly!
I really hope 2010 goes slow enough for me to take it in.
Here's a poem:
You don't know my number
And you most definitly don't know my name
You wouldn't find me looking
For any type of fame
Just let me get lost in my music and my paints
Just let me get lost in my books and with my saints
Because i've got nothing to hide, no nothing to hide from
Just my rythm and my mind and that thing we call freedom.
The rest of my poems are a bit dark so i don't tend to put them anywhere other than my silver book.
tum tum tummmm :D
Here are two pictures i took on Christmas Day, they haven't yet been edited or anything, this is how it was captured and i can;t think of how to improve them at all.

My mum is fantastic, these photos are all thanks to her giving me the time to relax and look around and skip in the snow.
According to her i looked like a pixie, i was wearing my big black hiking boots with my black layered poofy dress and my leather jacket, my hair down, long and crazy as always and a feather earing to top it off, it's fair to say i got a few odd looks from other drivers but i didn't care. i got my shots xD
I wish everyone in the whole world a happy new year, may they discover things new and old that make them smile a decent smile. Xx
i am so thankful for rike giving me the internet so i could go on facebook and find out that you are using this again, so that i could read your poetry which is truly magical and so that i could look at your beautiful photographs and think about how much i miss my best friend! i cannot wait to see you super soon...honestly, if i missed you more than i do right now my heart would burst. true story. febfebfeb! love you xx