Friday, 12 February 2010


So I'm back for the day to get ski stuff, order new bank cards, get a new driving license, see my fantastic boyfriend and get fed a sunday dinner on a thursday as well as have Crumpets for breakfast :D ahhhh i did miss yorkshire puddings.
Saying that I don't think Engand is the way to go, there is so much more out there and so many more countries that have a much better system than England.
In England everyone has to be going somewhere, walk quickly and have a plan and know there life story but really that's not a proper path at all.
If we all stopped to just listen to each other, take in some advise, be inspired and act on it the world would be such an amazing place!
Let someone into your bubble!
England is also going down, the money situation, the nanny state of things, health and safety is just beyond ridiculous. ( In Amsterdam in the middle of an open wide street there were trams going to and from every minute with no railings or kirb or anything... they TRUSTED the people of Amsterdam to not be stupid enough to walk in front of a tram, i liked that.)
Also everyone was friendly, if you asked someone for help they were happy to give it and if you were alone they were very happy to talk to you and that kind of niceness rubs off and you end up feeling so much more alive and friendly and relaxed.
So i had my purse nicked, i was being careless, i had it in my coat pocket, it's a city.
I do love England but i don't think i want to stay here, there is just too much going on outside of our island.
Wow my mind is being a bit skatty there is so much buzzing around in it.
Just random fact : i think everyone needs a creative outlet, because language itself, though that can also be a creative outlet is also restrictive to others and once you find the way to speak your soul you can be truly intact with what you want.
There was this man who played the fiddle and it was so amazing, it was as though he was the music, it was so raw and true and you could see he was just in that place of speaking what was truly inside ARGH, i nearly cried hearing it and everyone else in the room was just amazed, I've turned into a minor hippy i think.
Or not.. i just bought Vogue, March Issue, Alexa Chung on the front cover, £4.
So I'm going to go pack my stuff now.
adios! xx
(reminder to self: one blog be a bullet point of quick stories from The Dam)

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