Sunday, 31 October 2010

Man is enthusiastic, but he is weak.

A line from my book. The book pictured below infact. Yet another art project, this took more time than most and the outcome is less dramatic but i really like it and enjoy reading it.
This is my other experiment. The brief was "Transform a book into a peice of visual art" I managed a warped, freaky face. In its giant eye it says "face of a killer"... definite room for improvement.
Photo on the way to Darlington to see Skull Sex Scandals and The Sex Generals. Frenchies birthday, it was fantastic.

The mooon!! Same night as the photo above. Need to photoshop the blue it out.

Same night again but closer to home. The road I go down almost every day to either college or Ryans house.

Went to Newcastle this weekend and guess what!!..I LOVE MARTINA :D I'm always much happier after being in her company so thank you thank you thank you Dietrich. And of course Toff.

Tin and Toff, it was lovely!

How could I forget Curtis too :)
Beautiful time.
Thank you x

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Out and about

Note the lamp-post buried into the front of the car. The people in it bailed, so it was probably a stolen car. Got a photo of the police interviewing a few people but one shot is very blurred and the other only has their heads as it was taken from in Ryans car at a strange angle.

Geese migrating. Carl, Ryan and me went to somewhere to look at big rocks and loads of these guys joined us.

Ryan helping me get some good shots at Belsay Hall

Me at Belsay Hall, curtesy of Ryan.
Barbies hanging out at Mitzys after their traumatic ordeal being hung in trees and being put in the chinchilla cage.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


This was my final peice after having 2 weeks to think and produce something with our starting point being "repetition". I had just come back from Norway so didn't have a personal routine to analyse so instead went with something we as humans do repeatedly which i strongly disagree with: abuse the earth. I made a fairytale theory of "bury plastic mindlessly and mindless plastic will grow on trees: and that's not very yummy, no matter what the government tells you." Thanks to Lube and Bono trekking into the woods with me and my bagful of barbies.Some other shots of barbie, i couldn't find a place for the posing headless one so putting it on here seemed the next best thing.

Belsay Hall. Visit it. It's ridiculously beautiful.

Into our 5th week of CCAD now. The first week was getting comfortable. The Second and Third were Expressionism with repetition. The Fourth and now Fifth are graphics with superstition... a final peice is yet to be made... my computor seems to be quite anti photoshop though... doesnt like all this merging layers and complicating curve things... it is third hand though.

I miss Martina Bono Aiko Dietrich.
I am stressing too much.
And I'm going to Manchester this weekend.
It isn't an art focused excursion but inspiration is everywhere and anywhere.