Sunday, 31 October 2010

Man is enthusiastic, but he is weak.

A line from my book. The book pictured below infact. Yet another art project, this took more time than most and the outcome is less dramatic but i really like it and enjoy reading it.
This is my other experiment. The brief was "Transform a book into a peice of visual art" I managed a warped, freaky face. In its giant eye it says "face of a killer"... definite room for improvement.
Photo on the way to Darlington to see Skull Sex Scandals and The Sex Generals. Frenchies birthday, it was fantastic.

The mooon!! Same night as the photo above. Need to photoshop the blue it out.

Same night again but closer to home. The road I go down almost every day to either college or Ryans house.

Went to Newcastle this weekend and guess what!!..I LOVE MARTINA :D I'm always much happier after being in her company so thank you thank you thank you Dietrich. And of course Toff.

Tin and Toff, it was lovely!

How could I forget Curtis too :)
Beautiful time.
Thank you x

1 comment:

  1. we LOVED having you here!! and thanks for the help with the costume :)
